Screenshot 2024-12-10 at 15.16.02On November 14, 2024, the management team of Project BSB00168 Know What You Breathe: Mobilizing Communities for Air Quality in the Black Sea Basin (AIRQUEST) met in Varna, Bulgaria. The gathering, hosted by the Bulgarian Association for Transfer of Technology and Innovation (BATTI), marked a significant milestone in the project’s development. Representatives from Türkiye, Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Romania came together to review the project’s progress and discuss strategies for its next steps.

Picture-4-man01Meeting Highlights:

  • Air Quality Monitoring Portal Design: The team evaluated different mapping styles for the AIRQUEST Air Quality Monitoring Portal.
  • Index Customization: Air Quality Indexes to be used in the project were identified and tailored.
  • Notification System Development: Plans for an innovative notification system within the AIRQUEST app were discussed to enhance user experience.
  • Dissemination Strategies: Strategies for maximizing outreach and impact through effective communication were refined.
  • Data Collection Automation: The team explored ways to automate live data collection from air quality monitoring portals to streamline the process.

Picture-6-man01The meeting underscored AIRQUEST’s dedication to fostering cross-border collaboration for improving air quality across the Black Sea Basin. With its innovative tools and community-driven approach, the project is poised to make a lasting impact on the region’s air quality.