DANOVA NEXT Transnational Project Meeting held in Bucharest
The DANOVA NEXT project partners held their 3rd Transnational Project Meeting in Bucharest, Romania, on December 5, 2024. The meeting, hosted by ANSR, aimed to discuss project progress, share updates, and align on future actions to improve transport accessibility in the Danube Region. Dubrovnik Airport provided insights into current activities and upcoming deliverables.
BATTI introduced the DANOVA NEXT toolkit, a strategic framework for accessible transport in the Danube Region. The Czech Smart City Cluster presented the strategy, with Maribor’s Municipality providing updates on its implementation. The University of Maribor discussed the DANOVA Replicating Package, a component aimed at expanding the project’s impact across the Danube Region.
The discussion focused on developing a Smart Transport Network for persons with reduced mobility (PRM). BATTI shared progress on standardizing digital travel information tools (DTSI) and organizing a Task Working Group (TWG) for defining DTSI features of the DANOVA NEXT application. Dubrovnik Airport presented steps towards creating a joint framework for PRM digital accessibility data and establishing a robust network.
The afternoon sessions focused on pilot concepts for testing innovative services to increase transport accessibility in the DR. Partners discussed approaches, stakeholder involvement, and next steps. The Steering Committee approved key decisions and a social dinner hosted by ANSR. The next project meeting is scheduled in Kotor, Montenegro. Partners left the Bucharest meeting with a renewed commitment to advancing DANOVA NEXT goals and improving transport accessibility throughout the Danube Region.