20240620_131022-min        20240619_105000-min

GARDEN 2nd Steering Committee Meeting

The second meeting of the GARDEN Steering Committee took place on June 19-20, 2024, at the SENATOR PARQUE CENTRAL Hotel in Valencia. The agenda for the first day included participant registration and a welcome speech, followed by the presentation of the agenda and meeting objectives.

Various working groups presented their current status and progress within Work Package 1. The final version of the communication strategy was presented, along with the project website and participation tools. Later, participants discussed financial reports and the progress in CO2 reporting. The day concluded with a social dinner.

The second day began with an overview of Work Package 3, including presentations and discussions. After the lunch break, participants went on a study visit to the RIBERA pilot site.

The meeting provided an opportunity to share achievements to date, plan the next steps, and strengthen collaboration among the participants.