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Transnational Meeting in Varna: Promoting Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean

On May 30, 2024, an important transnational partner meeting was held at the Marine Casino in Varna, hosted by the Bulgarian Association for Transfer of Technology and Innovation (BATTI). The meeting is part of the MED-Routes project, which aims to create a specific model of Mediterranean “slow tourism” based on the shared heritage of four cultural routes, promoting sustainability and minimizing environmental impact. Project partners include organizations from Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, and Croatia.

The event began at 9:00 AM with registration and a welcome from the hosts, BATTI, followed by an overview of the current status of project activities. Presentations and discussions in the morning session focused on evaluating the transferability of circular economy models in cultural tourism. The discussions also covered topics such as the carbon footprint and monitoring the impact of project activities.

In the afternoon, the program shifted towards the creation of eco-routes and green labels. Strategies for engaging strategic stakeholders and creating short eco-routes were presented.

One of the day’s highlights was the session of the Transnational Working Group on the topic, which assessed the most urgent needs, gaps, and opportunities for integrating sustainability and circular economy into cultural routes.

The event in Varna demonstrated the importance of cooperation among different partners to achieve sustainable development in cultural tourism. Attendees exchanged valuable ideas and experiences, contributing to the successful implementation of the projects and the achievement of common goals.